School of Population and Public Health

The new entrance, canopy and outdoor space for the School of Population and Public Health (SPPH) re-orients the front door towards East Mall and establishes a prominent street-oriented entrance, public outdoor social space and address on East Mall.

This new outdoor space will take advantage of the southwest orientation and animates this section of East Mall, improves access to the building from East Mall and Hospital Lane and enhances the visibility and identity of SPPH to attract the best staff, faculty and students.

In order to create awareness about the study of disease in populations, a water feature frames the new building entrance in tribute to Dr John Snow, a father of epidemiology, who traced the source of the 1854 cholera outbreak in London to a contaminated public water supply.

Stormwater from the building is captured from the canopy roof and revealed down a rain chain, into the water feature. Overflow water from the water feature enters an informal rain garden providing natural irrigation for the lawn area before entering into the existing catch basin.